Young Minds for Mental Health

“One small crack does not mean that you are broken, it means that you were put to the test and you didn’t fall apart”
Adolescent mental health has been a passion space for Project Mumbai.
Our adolescent mental health initiative – #TheSmilingSchoolsProject, already in its second year, reaches out to approximately 10,000 adolescents across the #MumbaiMetropolitanRegion.
Since the lockdown has affected the #studentadolescentcommunity so much with all the #uncertainties around exams, school ending, beginning of college, searching for jobs/internships and navigating through one’s emotions, we thought it would help to have a mental health safe space for youth – a space where they can share their narratives as well as receive some primary level training in #peersupport and #mentalhealth, so that they can help themselves and their friends around.
With this in mind, we bring to you #youngmindsformentalhealth.
Project Mumbai will be facilitating this peer support initiative for adolescents (14 – 17) and young adults (18-21).
If you are in the above age groups and are interested in being part of such a peer support group do write in to us at with your age, contact details and reason for wanting to join the support group.
Kindly note:
- 1. It will require a commitment of 1 hour a week, across the months of June, July and August with a total of 10 hours.
- 2. We will be accepting 20-25 young minds in each age group on a first come first serve basis.
- 3. At the end of the 10 hour peer support and training, each person will receive a Certificate of Completion from Project Mumbai.