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Shambar Takke Shaaii (STS) : Mission 2022

Shambar Takke Shaaii Mission 2022 cover photo

Statistic Shows That Urban Voter Shy Away From Casting Their Vote. For Multiple Reasons.

Project Mumbai in partnership with the State Election Commission (SEC), Maharashtra, has launched a unique initiative, “Shambhar Takke Shaii-Mission 2022” to change this.

The second phase of the initiative would be to urge and ensure every registered voter actually turns up to vote.

Through this, we are jointly setting up registration camps for corporate citizens (their vendors and families or house-help as well) and separate camps in colleges.

This on ground activation and massive initiative is spread across two phases. The first, pre-election, would aim to convert every unregistered voter, in Corporates and otherwise and young college entrants, into a registered voter.

The outreach will also enable unregistered/migrant voters not registered in Mumbai to log on to the project Mumbai website, register their details which will then be shared with the SEC, which will initiative the registration process with such individual registrants.

Impact of the initiative

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Project Mumbai is a registered charitable trust under Mumbai Public Trusts Act, 1950. It is a platform of collaboration for ideas and solutions from individuals to institutions.Volunteering by individual and corporate citizens will be an integral part of every project we undertake


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