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The Project Mumbai Plastic Recyclothon & E-Waste Recyclothon

The Project Mumbai Plastic Recyclothon & E-Waste Recyclothon

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Recycling takes little effort on your part, to create a big difference in the world around us

Did you know that in Deonar, which is just a few kilometers away from wherever you live, the waste –including the plastic waste you generate–is now as high as an 18-storey structure?

Imagine an area of 132 hectares and 18 storeys high.

YOU can change that. With Project Mumbai.

Five years ago Project Mumbai launched THE MUMBAI PLASTIC RECYCLOTHON.

It is a citizen-led initiative where people can donate their plastic waste. Project Mumbai volunteers will pick it up free of cost from the closest drop location to your house.
We will recycle this and convert this into benches, pencil boxes, garbage bins, and other amenities for YOU. Even as we speak, hundreds of thousands of citizens have joined this movement to reduce plastic waste from their homes. Donate whatever they can so that our city becomes a better place to live.
Do you know that YOUR plastic waste is now a bench in a neighborhood garden, helping the elderly sit and enjoy some peace time?

What are you waiting for?

Register for The Project Mumbai Plastic Recyclothon and E-Waste Recyclothon.

Inspire others to do the same.

By the way, do you know the The Project Mumbai Plastic Recyclothon, is now in the LIMCA BOOK OF RECORDS 2020 edition as the largest citizen-led initiative to recycle plastic?
Welcome to the team of record breaks. 

Project Mumbai was recently accoladed with the Global Recycling Heroes 2023 award for its efforts in plastic recycling.




Project Mumbai has initiated The Project Mumbai E-Waste Recyclothon, a significant effort to address the growing problem of electronic waste in the city. This initiative aims to encourage residents to dispose of their electronic waste responsibly and sustainably. By collecting and recycling e-waste, Project Mumbai hopes to reduce environmental pollution, conserve resources, and promote awareness about the importance of proper e-waste management.

Participants can contribute by bringing their old or unused electronic items to designated collection points across the city. The collected e-waste will be processed and recycled in an environmentally friendly manner, ensuring that harmful substances do not end up in landfills. This initiative not only helps in cleaning up the environment but also fosters a culture of recycling and responsible consumption among the community. To join the cause email:


What better way to celebrate Global RECYCLING DAY–with a hundred plus students screaming and promising at the top of their lungs to get their parents to say NO to plastic bags when they go out shopping.

March 18 also brought the Maharashtra Pollution Control Board and Project Mumbai together at the Joglekar Wadi MPS school of BMC, tucked away in Mumbai’s central suburb Sion.

Pleasantly surprising, the 5th graders knew the harmful effects of plastic waste. “300 years or more” shouted out a little fellow, in response to a question how long does it take for a plastic to disintegrate. He was promptly gifted a pencil box, made from recycled plastic by Project Mumbai.

The hour-long celebration was fun, learning and full of action. The hall was loaded with information on plastic waste, recycling methods as well as solutions. Team Project Mumbai had displayed all their products from recycled plastic, getting the children and teachers awestruck.

A tee-shirt, made from recycled plastic was presented to the Principal as well.

The icing on the cake was children and the MPCB team showing their art-talent, beautifying two benches made from recycled plastic, one of which will be proudly placed outside the Principal’s room for children to pose and admire.

Watch this space for a special announcement soon.

May 2024 Report

April 2024 Report

March 2024 Report

Impact of the initiative

Behavioral change – One of the most positive and major impacts of this action based initiative was a change in the behavior and attitude of people in Mumbai. Mumbaikars across residential complexes, offices and schools, realized the necessity to reduce plastic consumption which has been causing immense harm. We got innumerable messages from people assuring us of their reduced/complete stoppage of plastic consumption in their homes as much as possible.

Rejection/Refusal – Across India, one of the largest users of plastic has been noticed in the retail industry which has caused immense harm to the environment. For example, grocers and vegetable vendors have been using plastic since decades for distribution of their products. Due to The Project Mumbai Plastic Recyclothon, we received various calls from people across geographies telling us about how they ensured that their local vendors stopped providing grocery or vegetables in plastic bags.

 Demonstrated recycling – Project Mumbai has chosen a unique action oriented manner for building people’s trust and belief into what and how plastic can be recycled. By building trust through recycling and by creating this as a collaborative mechanism, we brought in recyclers who helped collect and segregate the plastic which was subsequently recycled into amenities for the city. In this case, specifically, benches are being made which will be placed in open spaces of Mumbai, especially parks and gardens.

Join Our Event

Step One is to COLLECT the plastic in and around the area of travel, work, or stay.
Step two is to register with Project Mumbai on our website once the registrations open up (From 17th June 2024 to 2nd July 2024 ) Registration closes on 2nd July 2024


Step one is to collect the plastic and e-waste in and around the area of travel, work or stay. Step two is to register with Project Mumbai on our website

On the pre-decided date ensure you drop off your collected plastic and e-waste within the time restrictions mentioned at your nearest drop-off location. Collection will be done immediately the next day from all the drop-off locations by Project Mumbai volunteers.

Any kind of plastic. From PET bottles to MLP wrappers. From LDPE polythene bags to PP shampoo bottles, PET, LDPE, HDPE, PP, MLP these are different grades of plastic we consume daily. Everything can be recycled. Here is what you can recycle in e-waste: Laptops, Computer, Monitors, Mobile, Keyboard, Mouse, Printer, Cable, Telephone, Router, Set Top Box, Projector, TV, AC, Washing Machine, Fridge, Oven, Electrical items.

The plastic recyclothon and e-waste recyclothon is an initiative to inculcate a positive behavioural change in terms of reducing waste from our daily use.Hence, we expect support from citizens and give away only plastic and e-waste. NOTHING ELSE. No paper waste. No glass waste.

The plastic that we collect shall be recycled to create benches, garbage bins, stationery boxes and other useful public amenities. The e-waste shall be recycled in the right scientific manner causing no harm to the environment.

Plogging: What is plogging. Plogging is picking up plastic and e-waste as you jog. You can register as a plogger and collect plastic and e-waste as you go for your morning walk/go to the office/for your tuition/to buy vegetables/ or anytime you step out.

Collect the plastic and e-waste and add it to your waste collection. Can we make Mumbai the city of Ploggers and make Mumbai Plastic and E-Waste free?

Beginning now, as groups of inidvidiuals or individuals, institutions etc. start collecting the plastic waste and e-waste from your home, work place and surroundings. Reduce the clutter and collate it at any safe locations.

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